Impact is the core of everything that we do

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Bench Marking of Standards

The proliferation of sustainability standards, codes, audit methodologies and different approaches generates confusion and inefficiency along supply chains

Yello Taking responsibility for promoting transparency and comparability among relevant standards, we support the alignment of existing efforts and promote an international reference for best practices in the areas of social and environmental sustainable supply chain management.

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Innovative Finance

Creating sustainable banking environments in origin regions for productivity input and rehabilitation services.

Smallholder farmers are still finding themselves substantively behind commercial farming standards and are often far from operating as self sustainable thriving entities. To make a jump, they need the full “productivity package” of agro-inputs, fertilizer and improved seeds and planting materials. Often, they also require rehabilitation and/or replanting of their crops to maximize the full potential of their farm.

However, these productivity input and rehabilitation services require a much larger financing facility than what is provided by landscape based financing that derricks the lenders and enables the supply chain to internally withstand the mark to market meltdowns, etc




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Sustainable production, forest protection and social inclusion

Yello brings together businesses, governments, farmers, communities and civil society to build sustainable governance models in tropical sourcing areas, or landscapes. Through our integrated landscape , we create areas where agricultural products are grown sustainably (Production), forests and natural resources are safeguarded (Protection), and communities thrive (Inclusion).

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Production, Protection and Inclusion

Public private governance models for green and inclusive growth in sourcing areas - PPI approach

Increasing the productivity of farmers in a sustainable way, so they yield more from the same land. This, combined with a diversification of farmers’ sources of income, improves their livelihoods and reduces the incentive to convert native forests into arable land.

Putting in place measures to conserve forests and other natural resources. Measures include supporting local governments enforce forest protection laws, implementing deforestation monitoring systems, capacity building projects to communities

Improving livelihoods of farmers and forest-dependent communities, and thereby reducing their incentives to encroach forests. This is done, among other things, by diversifying income sources and creating local ownership through participatory land use planning


Block Farming Model

Yello has developed the block farming model, rethinking the small farmers’ viability and bankability

The block farming model is a structure to bring together small farmers under the umbrella of an FPO to do collective faming at minimum viable size to cause sustainable cash flows, crop diversification, regeneration, strip and agro forestry farming etc


Special Delivery Model

Prototyping new models that support delivery of inputs to smallholder farmers cost efficiently

Service Delivery Models ( SDM ) are supply chain structures, that provide services such as training, access to inputs and finance to farmers. Efficient service delivery can improve farmers performance, and ultimately their profitability and livelihoods. The FSTC’s - Farmer Training and Service Centres designed for this purpose by Yello will facilitate the SDM’s

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Measuring Impact.

Impact is at the core of everything we do. We measure the impact of our work so we can learn, adapt and change our approaches if needed.

Yello  developed a unique theory-based methodology to gradually gather evidence on our contribution to sustainable development.

At the core of this methodology is an intervention logic for each of our impact themes which map out our expected causal relationships between Yello support activities and the final outputs, outcomes, and impacts.

To test the rationale of each intervention logic and identify potential gaps, we gradually gather evidence through literature reviews, stakeholder surveys and interviews. On top of that there are two main ways in which we measure our progress, one is through collecting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from all our programs and the other is through third-party impact research.


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Closing the living wage gap

To overcome this century's challenges, we need structural change that puts living wage and living income at the core

Yello will address the gaps between current wages and living wages through a supply chain approach, where we make all players make effort towards closing such gaps.


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Verified Sourcing Areas

Changing the way landscapes are managed: from individual production unit level to whole area verification

Yello undertakes the Verified Sourcing Areas (VSAs) as an area-based mechanism to accelerate production and uptake of sustainable commodities globally with traceability. It helps companies source large volumes of commodities in line with their sustainability commitments at a competitive scale and price. Through VSAs, entire production areas can be connected to global markets